ChromeFX Pump System


ChromeFX Pump System

Kit Includes:

  • 1 Double Pump Sprayer
  • 1 Base Coat Can
  • 2 Super Soaker Sprayers
  • 1 Top Coat Can (Plain Chrome or Colored Chrome)
  • 1 Base-Topcoat Hardener
  • 2 Preval Power Units
  • 1 Part A
  • 1 Part B
  • 1 Part C
  • 3 Droppers
  • 2 Practice Speed Shapes


Product Info

What’s the difference between us and other sellers of ChromeFX type systems?

Mainly price and quality as Alsa is the only true manufacturer of coatings and machines. We invite you to come watch the process.

All others were Alsa customers at one time and branched out. All are fine companies claiming one has a better secret than the other. Not true, silver nitrate systems are very similar. There are no secrets, only facts, and we know them all as the pioneers and world leaders of Chrome Paint. The only true secret is knowledge of the base chemicals, their interactions and application technique which Alsa has perfected over the last 20 years. All this is shown at our training center. Alsa shows no “Testimonials” as every one of the pics sent into our site is one. The company has developed a devoted following of all people seeking newness in surface treatment all over the world and has branches in 70 countries.

Visit us and see that you are not dealing with a middleman. From our DIY systems to robotic systems, we have all your Chrome Paint answers.

  Chrome FX Pump System Chrome FX Pump System

Required Components

In order to use the ChromeFX™ System you will need:
  1. ChromeFX™ Application Equipment: required to apply the ChromeFX™ Coat. A ChromeFX™ Coating Package: includes proprietary paints for all 3 layers.
  2. A ChromeFX™ Coating Package: includes proprietary paints for all 3 layers.
  3. Traditional Spray Painting Equipment: required for applying the base & topcoats. (This equipment is available through any industrial paint supplier).

Application Guide

ChromeFX Pump System Application Guide


Q: What is the difference between a ChromeFX™Finish and traditional Metallic Paint?
A: A ChromeFX™ Finish is not paint, although it is applied in a similar manner. ChromeFX™ places a layer of Real liquid metal on a product’s surface. Consequently, it looks and feels like the product has been chromed or metallized, not just painted. A ChromeFX™ finish is reflective and shines, like a mirror. It is also much more durable than paint and will not fade over time.

Q: Does the ChromeFX™ Finish conduct electricity?
A: Yes, a ChromeFX™ finish is real metal so it theoretically can conduct electricity like all metals. However, ChromeFX™ is intended for decorative purposes. It is not a substitute for electroplating and we do not provide any assistance on this topic.

Q: How strong is a ChromeFX™ Finish?
A: ChromeFX™ is as durable as OEM Automotive Finishes.

Q: Can I use my own Basecoats & Topcoats?
A: No, the basecoats & topcoats that we supply are specially formulated to work with the Intermediate ChromeFX™ Coat.

Q: What equipment do I need?
A: In order to apply the Basecoats & Topcoats you need traditional spray painting equipment including: A Clean Room, HVLP Spray Painting Guns, A Spray Booth, An Air Compressor and An Experienced Painter. (All of this equipment, except the painter, is available through any industrial paint supply company) In order to apply the ChromeFX™ Intermediate Coat you need a ChromeFX™ Application Machine. Please see Equipment section of our website for more information about our application machines. !! For your safety, it is necessary to wear protective clothing, including a gas mask and gloves, during all steps of the application process.

Q: Has the ChromeFX™ Finish been tested?
A: Yes, please review the test results in the Technical Data section of our website.

Q: How expensive is ChromeFX™ compared to traditional chroming?
A: The costs associated with ChromeFX™ are approximately 15% or lower than traditional chroming.